Rev. Bradley C. Jenson, CFP®, CIMA®, AIF®, CAP®

Bradley Jenson, a graduate of St. Olaf College and Luther Seminary, served as a youth director, hospital chaplain, and Lutheran pastor until 2002. Although he maintains his clergy credentials, he no longer sensed a call to serve as a parish pastor and transitioned to a position as a financial advisor, where he now has over 20 years of experience. Since 2009, he has served as a financial advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM (CFP®) with Lake Superior Financial Services, Inc., Duluth, Minnesota. (Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SPIC.)

Brad understands his purpose in life as encompassing a portfolio of vocations or callings: (1) a relational purpose to be Jill’s husband, her life partner; (2) a professional purpose to serve as a financial advisor whose primary focus is to help others with, and to write about, the longevity planning process; and, (3) a theological purpose to research and write on spiritual-theological topics.

His interest in writing led to contributing a number of columns on longevity for Rethinking65.com, including a new series titled “Thought Leaders in Longevity.” Brad has also published several articles in theological journals and coauthored The Essential Bible: A Summary of the Major Stories (2011) and Luther and Bach on the Magnificat: For Advent and Christmas (2015).

As a financial advisor, Brad holds the following credentials: CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, Certified Investment Management Analyst®, Accredited Investment Fiduciary®, and Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy®. He continues lifelong learning to maintain these credentials.

In pursuit of long-life learning, Brad is a Corazón Member of the Modern Elder Academy. In a spirit of gratitude for what MEA has contributed to his life, Brad dedicates his work on this book to the faculty and staff of the Modern Elder Academy, to his “compadres” in the MEA “We Are Complete” cohort, and to the entire MEA global community.

Regarding his core value of healthy longevity, Brad’s goal is to live to the age of 110. He intends to cut back to part-time work when he turns 95 in 2051 and to continue working for the rest of his life. Brad is a member of the Investments and Wealth Institute, the Financial Planning Association, the MITAgeLab’s PLAN (i.e., Preparing for Longevity Advisory) Network, and the Duluth Harbortown Rotary Club.

John Comer, CFP®

John Comer is a financial advisor with McNellis and Asato, Ltd., in Bloomington, Minnesota. (Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SPIC.) He brings to his practice broad experience in financial planning, investment management, banking, marketing, product development, and communication. A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ since the early 1990s, John is excited about helping financial advisors find ways to enhance the lives of their clients.

One of the ways John helps advisors help their clients is by teaching CFP® candidates “Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits” and volunteering with the Financial Planning Association. John’s direct work in coordinating advisor support of financial capability training earned him the FPA Heart of Financial Planning Award.

Through work with the FPA, John met and formed a working group to explore longevity planning. Representatives of the Minnesota Department of Commerce, AARP Minnesota, the Minnesota Elder Justice Center, and the University of Minnesota College of Education and Human Development joined John in developing a process that helps clients plan for their 100+year life. Join the Longevity Revolution will help the insights of this group reach a wider audience.

In addition, John is a member of MIT Agelab’s PLAN network and a guest columnist for Rethinking65.com.

John is also active in the community. He serves in leadership roles at his church and at a local nonprofit that works to prevent child abuse and provides therapy to children who have suffered abuse. He also volunteers with local organizations that support financial capability, particularly in youth.

Personally, John enjoys running, canoeing, hiking, reading, learning, and contributing. However, he realizes that he does not engage in those activities more often because he so enjoys spending time with his wife, Donna, in whatever she is doing. You can learn more about John M. Comer at McNellisAsato.com.

James V. Gambone, PhD.

James Gambone prides himself on being a living model of what it means to have a successful, multi-portfolio career, being actively engaged in the work he loves long after a typical retirement age. He says, “Why should I stop doing something that provides meaning and happiness in my life?” As a social entrepreneur and business owner for more than 30 years, he has been a published author, educator, speaker, workshop leader, consultant, and media producer.

Connect here to a podcast interview with Jim Gambone on YouTube: “ReFirement in an Age of Longevity” – in which he reveals the origin of ReFirement and the meaning and symbolism it has for retirement. He shares how he created a multi-portfolio life in retirement and the importance of staying healthy, active, engaged, relevant, and filled with meaning given the gift of longevity.

Jim wrote ReFirement®: A Boomers Guide to Life After 50 almost 20 years ago. Now in its 6th printing, under the title ReFire® Your Life, the book has inspired people to take a deeper look at the Longevity Revolution.

Jim has written seven other books, his most recent being Ride the Wild Pony and Other Stories From 57 Steuben Street, which documents the first five years of his life when he lived in a Pittsburgh tenement with his mother, father, aunt, uncle, and his Polish grandmother—the first woman moonshiner and numbers bookie in the city. He is now working on his first novel, The Immortal David Russell: A Roadmap to Eternity.

Dr. Gambone is a part-time graduate professor of Public Health, teaching online for the past 11 years, and has served as a dissertation chair for 46 successful doctoral candidates. He is a respected expert and keynote speaker, nationally and internationally, on generational and intergenerational relationships.

He has also been an award-winning multimedia writer, producer, director, and distributor for over 30 years. His most recent production, The Life and Loves of Sinclair Lewis (2021), is streaming on the Sinclair Lewis Foundation website: sinclairlewisfoundation.org/life-and-loves

Over the past three years, Jim has taken up abstract painting with a small group called “The CathArtists,” using alcohol inks as his medium. Jim enjoys golf, biking, and hanging out with his creative wife, Wendy, and their amazing dog, Willa.

You can learn more about James V. Gambone and his multi-portfolio career at pointsofviewinc.com.